Straighten your teeth without wires or brackets!
Invisalign is an aesthetic orthodontic technique that uses a series of dentist-prescribed, clear aligners to correct misaligned teeth, bites, and smiles for teens and adults.
Invisalign vs. Braces:
This is a common question asked by patients who are interested in or who have never heard of Invisalign. there are a number of reasons Invisalign is the better choice:
- Removable, so you can eat & drink what you like
- Decrease irritation to gums & teeth
- Provide healthier teeth & gums
- Make brushing & flossing easier
- Improve overall health
To ensure the best possible results, you should Book a private consultation at Starbrite Dental. Dr. Dilvir Toor has been trained and certified by Align Technology to diagnose and treat patients using Invisalign. Invisalign is not intended for children under 12, and is not appropriate for every adult.