Cosmetic Bonding is an efficient and economical cosmetic treatment to address minor smile imperfections. This cosmetic solution is not for everyone though—only by contacting us to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Jasleen Benepal or Dr. Dilvir Toor at our Brampton dental office can we determine if dental bonding is the appropriate treatment for your smile.
Problems Cosmetic Bonding Can Correct
While dental bonding is a more conservative approach than porcelain veneers or porcelain fillings, the imperfections it can correct are the same:
- Tooth decay – Small holes caused by decay are filled by the resin used in dental bonding
- Tooth discolouration – Dental bonding effectively masks intrinsic stains otherwise resistant to traditional tooth whitening techniques
- Crooked teeth – By precisely sculpting the resin to the desired tooth shape, dental bonding is able to correct the appearance of crooked teeth
- Chipped or broken teeth – Failing to address a chipped or broken tooth can lead to further tooth decay, be the source of embarrassment, or cause physical pain. Up to half of a tooth can be replaced through dental bonding
- Gaps – Undesirable spaces between teeth can be filled
Tooth erosion – Any eroded enamel can be replaced by the resin, preventing further erosion